제 눈에 띄는 것은 게임 실행할 때, 뜨는 그리드 문구가 깨지지 않는 것이네요.
패치용량이 꽤 되는 것으로 보아서는 많은 부분이 패치가 된 것 같습니다.
코드마스터즈 사이트에서 받으면 너무 느리므로 아래 사이트에서 받으시면 빨리 받으실 수 있습니다.
그리드(GRID) 1.1 패치 다운 <- 클릭~
전문을 해석할 만한 실력도 안되고, 간단하게 주요사항만 살피면,
각종 버그수정과, G25의 H 시프터 지원 / vista에서 포스피드백 버그 수정 / 최적화
네트워크 향상 / 스피드 부스터 / 레이스로비 타이머 15초 / 킥투표 관련
XINPUT휠과 로지텍 럼블패드 지원 / 입력옵션 추가등등..
상당히 많은 내용 입니다. 특히 7시리즈 그래픽카드 관련과, 안그래도 멀티 랙도 없던데,,
좀더 향상된 네트웍 환경이 가능하다는군요..
옵션에 보면, 스피드 부스터가 추가되었고, 개인적으로 그리드를 멀리하게 만들었던,
VISTA에서의 일부 포스피드백 문제가 수정되어,, 굉장히 기쁩니다.
Patch release update
PC patch: In the final stages of QA testing. Due to be uploaded this Thursday morning, possibly earlier.
PS3 patch: Being submitted to Sony for final testing as I speak. We're hoping to get this through their submission process and live within 2-3 days, though going by the book this can take as long as 5-8 days. It rarely takes this long though.
360 patch: Being submitted to Microsoft for testing now. MS Cert are unfortunately away on a conference all week until Friday so they will not be able to start testing the code until then (this affects every game and patch currently in Cert). We therefore hope to go live with our 360 patch early to mid next week, but this is dependant on Microsoft's available resource. Full games take priority over patches.
GRID Patch change list.
Network bug fixes
• When viewing in spectator mode – wheels should now turn correctly.
• Session searching now functions correctly when there are lots of full sessions (PC and PS3).
• Track and route options no longer change when host gets back to lobby in private/LAN.
• Race results are now correct if a host migration occurs at the end of the race.
• Other player’s progress/positions are now correctly updated when you enter the race results screen.
• Several NaN (brown screen) related fixes. (also this should fix the "thousand-mile-warp")
• Increased bandwith use in network games (to reduce lag)
• Fixed a problem whereby it was only possible to upload one world record ghost to each track (PC and PS3)
• Race to race lobby timer is now 15 seconds
• A timer has been added showing how long the session has been up and running is shown on the tickertape after joining a session.
• Changes to what is displayed in lobby when a player has kick votes.
o The player who has been voted for can see this fact and the number of votes they have received.
o Players who have voted to kick someone can see who they voted for but cannot see the number of votes.
o Players who have not voted do not see anything.
• Added ability to get the next page of sessions in private session results (PC and PS3)
• Banned sessions no longer appear in private session list.
• Reverse gear is now disabled for the first two seconds of a network race to stop players reversing off the start line.
• Added ability to change collision types in private and LAN sessions (not enabled in Demolition Derby).
o Forward Only (this is the normal behaviour for Ranked/Unranked)
o On (Collisions are always on)
o Off (Always off).
• Numerous anti griefing checks to turn off collisions when players are griefing.
• Fix for distance shown in distance online stat.
• A warning message is now shown the first time you enter system link.
• In non-drift races, the race results screen shows the fastest lap that each player achieved in that race.
• When a player retires or terminally damages in race, a message telling all players of this fact is sent to the chat system so displayed in the overlay in game.
• Cars become semi-transparent when collisions are turned off due to griefing.
• Improvements to prediction system to reduce effects of lag when players are close by
Game - general
• Xbox 360 achievement fix. (Drive 'em all)
• Several optimisations and performance improvements.
• It is now possible to look left and right while in bonnet camera.
• Fix for a hang when selecting a gear outside the gears available on the vehicle (this was possible with H-Shifter)
• Fix for cars very occasionally flying into the air when hitting kerbs.
• Fixes for custom action maps
• Track rendering optimisations.
• Brown screen problem no longer awards achievements or causes glowing white cars.
• Fix for airborne achievement – now awarded even if car flips upside down during jump
• Fixed frame rate stalls and stuttering on Xbox 360.
PC Specific Changes
• Added support for Xinput wheel and Logitech Rumblepad 2, including default action map configurations.
• Adding ability to use H-pattern shifter in custom configuration by allowing configuration of gears 1 to 6 and reverse. Same for boost.
• Fix for missing Force feedback on Vista.
• Given user the ability to configure use of a pad or wheel through the hardware config xml file, this means that if the game fails to auto-detect the device type, they can specify it themselves.
• Changing microcode optimisation level for NVIDIA 7xxx series graphics cards to reduce a pause when using each shader for the first time.
• Adding support for triple head displays.
• Graphical corruption fix when using multiple GPU’s.
• Network chat text made less obtrusive.
• Numerous on-going compatibility fixes.
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