2009년 12월 2일 수요일

Unit 129

  • I think the demand for Xbox360 controller will increase, compare with previous year.


  • The advantage of blogging is that I can share my interest with other people.


    The people said the map of the treasure is in the desert island.


  • Increase in Xbox360 controller demands in Korea indicate that the console game industry was popular in Korea.


  • You can refund our product within 7 days. But if you damage to it, we won't receive any refund request.


    Hey, guys.

    Did you get an invitation to the Windows 7 Launching Party?

    Not yet.


    I'll write a reply to your problem by today.


  • He contacted with some bad guy to get bribe.


    Niko : I think this is over.

    Roman : What have you done?

    Niko : What does he look like?

    Roman : We're dead.

    Niko : No, he's dead. We're fine.

    Roman : He is a serious person.

    He has many connections with powerful guys.

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